Monday, April 27, 2009

Problem with Packing Peanuts

We recently received a message on our voicemail from a customer who had received Samantharoma as a gift. She was delighted with her products...but not so happy with the styrofoam peanuts her order was packed with.

Please be assured that Samantharoma does not BUY non-biodegradable packing material - however - we DO reuse such material. In fact sometimes we go out of our way to rescue it! So where do we get our packing material? Well, our first source is delivered to us by way of the raw materials that we order to produce and package our products. Most of these are shipped in large boxes just full of packing peanuts! Some are nasty little styrofoam ones and others are the more earth-friendly biodegradable kind. Either way, we save and reuse these peanuts in our packages to you. When we run out of those, we poll friends, neighbors and other local businesses for peanuts that we can recycle. Failing that we keep a watchful eye on for anyone wishing to get rid of packing material. That way we are saving those nasty styrofoam peanuts from the landfill!

So now you know where we get our peanuts, you may be wondering how you can recycle those that you receive. A really easy option is to join and post on your local Freecycle site. People who are moving often need peanuts and they are expensive to buy. You will probably want to save your peanuts until you have a worthwhile quantity before you post. You could also try local moving companies or shipping stores as many will happily recycle them for you!

In the light of recent Craigslist events, please exercise caution when posting items to be picked up from your residence ;-) Samantha

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