Thursday, April 9, 2009

A nod to Earth Day (Sunday April 19)

Here at Samanatharoma we are constantly on and off the computer so it is impractical for us to turn it off inbetween uses. It may be the same at your house/place of work too. However, according a recent article pulished in Greenzine by GenGreen, there are many other small appliances around your home or work that you can unplug. Think: shredder, coffee maker, tea kettle, toaster, toaster oven. In fact any small appliances that are used maybe once or twice a day (or less). There are many benefits to unplugging including: aesthetic (anyone who has sold a house knows it’s better to get the clutter off the counter) and safety. Even if you can’t remove items from eyesight you can still unplug them. Greenzine says unplugging an electric shaver can save 135lb carbon a year. That’s better for the planet and for your electric bill!

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