Monday, November 17, 2008

Rediscovering Henna

Do you ever look back on an event or time in your life thinking it was maybe 10 years ago, then you do the math and realize it was more like 25 or 30? Well, somewhere between My Sharona and Like a Virgin, I was big into dyeing my hair. One of my phases was henna - bright, orange henna. It definitely made a statement! Well hair color for me has been my last bastion to becoming chemical-free and I thought it was about time to reconsider my not-quite-a-blonde anymore roots! Maintaining blonde is costly and I don't even want to know how many toxic chemicals are in hair color. So on a recent trip to Whole Foods, I rediscovered Henna. I went with "Light Mountain Natural Hair Color and Conditioner" in Chestnut. It doesn't say henna on the box but that's what it is. The mixture smells awful and looks much like a cow patty but after a strand test and an hour of cow poop on my head, I had glorious, shining, chestnut hair! So, if you're having trouble letting go of hair color or deodorant or body wash (laden with harmful chemicals), I recommend taking another look at the natural alternatives. You might be pleasantly surprised! -Samantha

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1 comment:

Ginger's Garden said...

I'm too chicken to use it in my hair, but I like it in mehndi.
Soap Artisan